I picked up a free set of outdoors furniture. They had seen plenty of sun and the old laquer finish was falling of on its own.

The table was a little wobbly and most of its screws had been rounded trying to tighten it this was easily fixed with new hardware. I started sanding the largest surfaces and the table’s top surface was pretty smooth in under an hour with orbital sander and 80-grit paper. The surface underneath had a nice red tint to it.

Most of the work was sanding the chairs. Lots of loose thin spokes and moving parts made each take 2-3 hours each to get most of the old coating off. With the chairs I noticed they were built using really varying colors of wood. Looks like they were meant to be painted.

With everything sanded up to 240 grit it was time to oil the furniture. I chose an alkyd hardwood oil for its quick drying and wax containing formula which should help with keeping the furniture clean. I applied the oil with an cotton cloth, rubbing it into the wood and wiping off any excess.
Lighter colored pieces darkened significantly with oil The oil amplified the color differences between the spokes.
With roughly 25€ in materials and 20 hours of work i’d say the project was successful and the furniture got many more years of life.